Wednesday, December 25, 2013

the dirt i wear

Be the gift for those you love!
I would be straight up lying if i said the holidays weren't a bit of a temptation for me. I mean do not get me wrong the holidays and i are real close friends, however, at the end of the day there is still this piece of me that feels almost dirty….

Shiny lights, beautiful green wreaths, no class, the constant aroma of cinnamon and just sugar,
the sound of Irving Berlin's White Christmas soundtrack, the gathering of friends and family, the giving, the getting….where is the dirt? Two days ago while enjoying all of these i was overcome by a  huge presence of dissatisfaction. I can say a thousand times in my head "Samantha, but what is all of this about, why do we get to enjoy all of this" and every time i will point it back to Him, but every time i will still get a bit caught up, and that is when i get a big slap in the face and drop to my knees in thanksgiving.

How scary would this world be if things satisfied us more than THE King? I don't always see it, but what a blessing He has given to let Himself be the only thing that satisfies, that we don't have to chase multiple things, but one thing, and when we do go chasing that He gives us an unsettling heart to lead us back home, to stop the chase.

i like to run….but that would be exhausting.

As i embark on Christmas endeavors i want the only dirt that i feel to be the the dirt that resembles the absolute meekness of the birth of our King, the simple and not glamorous stable He was born in. I don't believe there were many things that were clean that day, and so that is the dirt i want to coat myself in as i walk through this season.

Lord thank you for being a God that satisfies and the only thing that truely satisfies, for being a father that gives me someone to run back to when i've tested the waters that are unfulfilling, thank you for giving me one reason to run and one direction to run in. How beautiful are you!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Oh GOD, full of beauty, full of grace
who sent His son to die in my place
took beating, slashes, and wood to his back,
not only mine, but the entire worlds that were stack 
with every nail, one of my spots fell off
until all His blood shed was enough
as He breathed His last our doubt was great
and how we can still disbelieve, i do hate
But His love was greater than death
down to the enemys home He took the keys and He left
He opened the gates to our true eternal place
While meeting with His father face to face
But He didn't leave us here alone, 
He gave us His spirit, were all His power is shown
filled with His consuming fire and might
it's the means by which we can be called light
accompanied with the sword of His Spirit we go forth every day
winning lives for His kingdom along the way
until the day He comes back or calls us home
we stand tall on the only sturdy stone
we live and wait only for you 
because you O God are all we know to be true.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What happened to because?

Amongst the steam of the espresso machine, the anxiety sighs of test minded college students, and garbage magazines sits a man reading Hemingway amongst a dozen chocolate wrappers. Besides his 10 year cargo pants and 60's sporting cap, this man is wearing the things in life he enjoys, he is wearing simplicity. As his friend tries to converse with him over his Machiatto, this man continues to read hoping that with the next turn of his page his friend will leave him to his literature.

Amongst a world of doing things because [insert worldly reasoning here]…..he is doing things because he enjoys it. What happened to enjoying a book because of the beauty that is the story, and not the end grade, what happened to intentional conversation, because the desire to learn about someones heart is greater than the need to fill an empty time gap of words, what happened to because?

I'm learning the beauty that is in the things that my heart loves and doing them because of the joy it gives me alone. Why waste another second doing something not worth while when you can spend it doing something that YOU want to do because it's what you want to do. How has the world completely made us feel like if we don't live by their rules we're wasting time or doing something wrong. NO. I mean the Lord gave us each unique and beautiful things that only OUR hearts desire, so living by the rules of the world will NEVER fill the desires of our hearts and will ALWAYS leave us unsatisfied. God wrote the rules, and the world is trying to break them, yet we are slow to call them out on it. So maybe no one will understand why i love sitting at central market on a saturday morning with my best friend who is almost a decade older than me, when i could be catching up on my non existent sleep, maybe no one will understand my desire to live in Angola, Africa amongst a people group that could kill me tomorrow, maybe no one will ever understand why i'd take a drive to Alaska and back just to say i did it despite the gas and the tests i have the next week, and maybe no one will understand how a mid 70's year old man would compel me to start writing despite the 5 chapters of homework i need to read….but i desire it because….because just that, The Lord put it there and this life is way too short to waste it filling it with what the world says is needed.

 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." -1 john 3:1
I am a child of God, i am unique, i am not like his other children, so i will not live like his other children, because i am not them, i am me. The world might not understand my life, but it's because i am not living by their standards.  I'm living by His.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

On my way to Ephesus ….

Okay i'm just going to spit it out raw...

so i have been wrecked from every piece of flesh in my being by the all consuming powerful, captivating love and redemption of The Holy Spirit who is JESUS CHRIST. 


Lets take it back a few steps….. My recent time with the Lord has revolved around a door, a door you say? yes, i was confused to. 
"I know your works and have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it for you have a little strength have kept my word and have not denied my name." - Revelations 3:3
" But i will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great and effective door has opened to me and there are many adversaries…"  - 1 corinthians 16: 9-10                                                                                                
So, i am continually asking and praying for the Lord to just show me what this door was, what were the adversaries that were going to come up against it? Naturally i get frustrated when the Lord decides to be his beautiful self and only reveal himself to me in his good timing, so i began to ask him to speak boldly to me and, to rock my world with an interpretation of this message….this is where he takes me. 
"Then He said, "Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord." And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. " -1 kings 19:11-12
God did not reveal himself to Elijah in a spectacle, but instead with gentleness. I then decided okay, Lord i will be patient, i mean you've kind of made it clear….

Weeks pass

Then this weekend i attending a missions conference called World Mandate held by the Antioch Church in Waco, Texas. This is where the Lord changed my life!

During worship a friend of mine speaks truth to me on the Holy Spirit and his power and reads to me scripture,  which reads.
"So i say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Luke 11:9
See Paul was planning a journey to Corinth, however the Lord opened an unexpected and effective door in Ephesus for him, and these past few weeks i have felt as though i am on my way to Ephesus, a place i was not expecting to go or dwell in on my way through life; to Corinth. So i have been knocking, inquiring the Lord to reveal and open up this door to me and he did and behind that door was the Holy Spirit and just like Paul waiting until Pentecost, i was waiting for the Holy Spirit to fall upon me. The door was finally able to open to me despite the enemy trying to press against it; my adversary. 

An incredible door has opened up to me, it has changed my life forever, i am forever changed. Never stop knocking because i finally made it to Ephesus and now i face forward journeying to my next destination on the way to Corinth. 


Thursday, July 25, 2013

The dream

A few things worth sharing…and yes it's about Bali (i know i'm so sorry….i can't help myself)

  • The Balinese students all bring brooms to school and they were completely shocked to find out we one do not bring brooms to school, and two do not spend time cleaning the school ourselves.
  • The balinese keep their ethanol for their motor bikes in vodka bottles along the side of the road.

the vodka bottles filled with ethanol
We spent the last day of our trip on the beautiful beach of Jimbaran. This was an incredible scenic and breathtaking beach, however, no one was on the beach for the majority of the day until the sun began to set. All of a sudden the entire city and all the many resort guests were present. I couldn't help but think where in the world these people were possibly hiding all day…? It's so interesting, we [americans/europeans] come to Bali and fall in love with the peace of the villages and the simplicity of their life although completely acknowledging how difficult their life is, while at the same time their dreams are going to Las Vegas and Beverly Hills, whatever media shows them on television is the life, and "America"… When in reality it is all fleeting because at the end of the day the thing that everyone comes back to is the sunset on the beach in Jimbaran. In the end its all God. Apart from God nothing is lasting, nothing satisfies. The world is so desperate for him, if something like the simplicity of a beautiful sunset can send people running to it, can cause people to revolve their schedules around it. i can't imagine the revolution it was cause for people to know all of Him, every bit of his beauty, the warm sunset that is his spirit everyday.

"America that's the dream" they all say, but that's not it at all, man its so much better, so much greater!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In OUR image

Men preparing a wedding feast
I think there are those things in life that the Lord just looks at shaking his head saying no you have it all wrong. ( I also believe the Lord has a sense of humor…. [insert ALL my embarrassing moments here] )Yes there is sin in this world, and yes it fractured everything, but i think there are still things we can fix, we can change and try a little harder to image it in the way God crafted it to be.

When in Bali last week the main thing my godmother and i wanted to experience was the true authenticity of the balinese lifestyle, what their culture looked like, their daily life felt life, and get to know what this beautiful place truly was outside of a top tourist destination. We were blessed with a guide who lived in one of the villages of Ubud who took us around the city. He taught us all about the different villages, how there was a wood carving village, a silver village, a fabric village, a painting village and many more. He took us into households where we got to talk to all the families that lived in them and see what their lives actually looked like. I was completely taken aback by their lack of hostility and absolute overpowering sense of hospitality. We were complete strangers and yet for the most part these people were more than willing to open their homes for us to see.

Village rehearsing for a cremation ceremony

When seeing inside all the villages something i admired was their value in community. Their villages are all they have so they use it as survival. When someone passes away the entire village contributes money to pay for the funeral and the eventual cremation (cremations are expensive so every 5 years cremation ceremonies are performed for loved ones once enough money has been saved).  When there is a wedding, families gather days before to begin making offerings, killing their livestock, and preparing foods. They take pride in celebrating one another and helping each other, they don't see it as a burden they see it as a priority as something that is completely natural and necessary. The Lord made life to be lived in community, in community with the Lord and with fellow believers. When God created man, he said "let us create man in our image" he did not say in my image. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, that is the community. God created man to be lived in community like the one it was created from. All these villagers have is their community. Life has not been easy to these people, however,  i imagine the stress of it is not as heavy knowing they have an entire village on their side to overcome whatever battles lie in their path. I think it's easy to think we can do this life on our own, but it wasn't designed that way. It's almost like our selfishness, our pride is causing us to make life harder than it was intended to be. I think community is wearing each others burdens so one person isn't being crushed by it alone, community is acknowledging peoples gifts, its not jealous, but its wanting to further the people around you because they're your brothers and sisters. The balinese have everything to fear and also nothing to fear at all because they're rooted in something deeper than themselves; each other. 
I think the Balinese have preserved idea of community and i absolutely admired it, it made the reasoning for their joy despite their situation understandable. 

Oh bali you've done it again...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Common and Unlcean

Entrance to a Balinese home, the gate and walls in
the entrance are  reminder to gather your thoughts before
entering the home
Oh my goodness Bali.
Bali  has literally stolen my heart and i don't want it back, i want to move with Bali. Bali is not only beautiful, it is authentic and raw. I think the beauty comes from the culture itself. Bali is 90% Hindu and everyone lives in villages. Within these villages are houses that multiple families live in, each with their own temple. Bali therefore, has over 1,000 temples because of it. The Hindus strongly acknowledge the presence of good and evil spirits, they therefore, leave multiple offerings daily to the spirits. If they want to give praise to the good spirit they will set the offerings (made of grass, flowers, even cigarettes, anything they value) on the high shrine and If they want to keep the bad spirits happy for protection, they leave the offerings on the floor. While i was in Bali something i was convicted by was my desire to tell our guide Madee about the Lord. However, i have never felt more out of place doing so. I think it was easy for me to completely dismiss the idea of sharing the good news with this man due to his strong hindu beliefs and my lack of belief that i had any place to. The Lord made me aware of this by once again leading me to Acts. Let me set up the scene…

A woman making offering's
There lived a man named Cornelius who lived in Caesarea; a pagan city. Cornelius, a gentile and godly man, desired to know God, he gave alms to the Lord who therefore came to Cornelius in a vision. In this vision he told Cornelius to "send men to Joppa, and send for simon whose surname is Peter." (10:5) Peter was a jewish man who lived in the city of Joppa. Peter fell into a trance where where he saw "all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air." (10:12) Then a voice told peter to kill and eat of the meat which Peter refuses by claiming it "common and unclean" (10:14). Peter, being jewish, had always followed the strict laws on clean and separate foods, he therefore could not imagine going against past scriptural and his known ways. The Lord told peter however, that "What God has cleansed you must not call common." (10:15) Peter eventually went to Caesarea with the men to speak with the gentiles (it was against the law for jews to to associate with gentiles). Peter shared the truth of Jesus to the gentiles present, how he had broken the old laws and that "God shows no partiality." (10:34) and the Holy Spirit fell on all the gentiles present!
Our guide made (maud-ay)

Peter was used to doing things in the way he had always done them until the Lord commanded him otherwise. By the blood of Jesus we have all been made clean and what God has cleansed is by no means common. I think there is so much about this chapter that can be unpacked and beautifully applied, but in in my experience it had everything to do with Peter setting his ideals and ways aside and following God. God who "shows no partiality." Everyone despite who they are, what they believe deserves to hear of the good news and i am no one to put my own excuses in front of that.  I think it is easy to quiet our responsibility of doing by the loud voice we hear of excuse and  inadequacy. What a beautiful thing it is that there is no limit to who truth can be told to, however we make it limiting by placing our own barriers on it, the barriers Jesus came to take away. Yes the Hindus are religious, yes they acknowledge a God, yes they give alms to this God, but they have not acknowledged salvation just like Cornelius.  Like Peter, I think it's time to stop justifying and start evangelizing.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The wet market

Now is this not the sweetest man you ever saw
A few observations, First asians are everywhere and to say i stick out would be a huge understatement. Everyone here is about five foot tall (maybe), oval eyes, and dark hair. I however, am five foot nine, round eyes, and light hair; hello foreigner. This morning we went to a wet market which is basically a market where produce, fish, meats, and even indian clothing is sold in an open market. I assume it is called a wet market because the floor is soaked from fish guts to water from splashing crabs and who knows what else. But I loved the wet market. If i could buy all my produce and groceries this way every day i would. The working class of Singapore only buys their goods this way. I was thinking to myself why would this not work in America, and then i realized the visual of seeing all the meat being handed around, touched and tossed by many, and the heads of all that is to be consumed being dismantled in front of your eyes might not appeal to many, but for some reason it made me appreciate my food even more. Being able to pick out and sample the raw seasons and spices made the whole concept of cooking so much more exciting, because you're truly putting work into what you are preparing and in the end get to see the reward of the whole process. Something i have been observant of is how most of the community is glad within their jobs. Even some of the most unexciting jobs are performed by the most thankful workers. I think alot of the world has lost the blessing behind what working is and what it does to your soul. We were made to work, there is reward and discipline that feeds us from working. My godmother lead me to the most perfectly summarizing verse.

"and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you."   -Thessalonians 4:11
Nancy choosing our squid
Paul could not put this more perfectly. I don't think he meant literally be quiet, i think he meant let your ambitions be simple and good, a life not run by your day planner or the next step, but one that is glorifying and thankful. So to make it your ambition to lead a life that is simply good stop worrying about everyone else and do your work, do the labor with the two hands God had blessed you with. I think work is a beautiful thing that we have made into a burdensome one because we seek what pays, we seek what society says is smart but we don't seek what is ambitious for our own hearts, and simply satisfying for our own selves or if we do we get lost in the glory of it.  These market workers have blessed me with the reminder of thanksgiving, being appreciative for what i do have even if it does not compare to what someone else has. Working hard and attending to what is in front of me is a beautiful thing.

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Asian Adventure

The view on top of Marina Bay
Finally my asian adventure beings! I have been counting down the days for way too long....and just yesterday i was sitting in the airport beside a man who did not particularly smell great thinking to myself Lord please do not put me beside this man for this 24 hour flight, but if it is in your will, let it be done because i am going to SINGAPORE! (luckily the Lord had different plans) Instead of placing me beside the odor infused man, i sat beside two russian woman who continually talked to me in Russian waiting for me to all of a sudden comprehend the Russian language and respond accordingly. They truly began taking the burden of my health on their shoulders when i tried ordering water they most promptly demanded i order tomato juice....apparently tomato is the only english word they know. I was thus stuck painstakingly taking back this never ending bottom of tomato juice. The russian woman rewarded me with getting up to go to the bathroom every 50 minutes.....we bonded.

Cappuccino with Godmother on balcony overlooking the city
I have made it to Moscow and am now in Singapore sitting in awe of the beautiful city it is. Although my body is extremely confused on what day it is, i know one thing, this will be one exciting adventure!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The "real" world

Back to the real world. People keep using this phrase with me, "Welcome back to the real world." As if being at camp for six weeks was not within the boundaries of this said "real world." It got me thinking.......False. That phrase should actually be said in reverse, however, the sad part is it is not. Let me explain. Me being back, is not me being back to the "real world." I was in the real world the entire time because sharing the name of Jessus daily should be apart of the real world, but that is something the majority of this world does not do on a daily basis. So although i am back in this world, i had been living in what should be the "real world" the entire time, because the real world should daily be proclaiming the name of Jesus on the reg, the real world should be living in community with believers and building each other up....i already miss the real world, BUT i am jacked up to start making it look more like this world.

"The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him."
-1 john 3:1 
The reason the world does not understand our love and passion to tell people the name of Jesus is because, they do not know him, they have no understanding of where our drive and passion comes from. At camp we studied 1 john and this verse simply gets me pumped to let people know why i do the things they do, to lead them to the Lord so that they finally get it. Its time this world looked more like the reality God intended it to be.

So while at camp i was enlightened with some facts i was unaware of that i have felt necessary to share for the sake of your own knowledge.

        1. Mormons hate females and coffee
        2. Spam is apart of the vegetarian diet
        3. Jesus was married 
        4. Jesus bore children
        5. Teenage girls know everything
It's okay to feel completely overwhelmed by these new facts, i myself was unaware, but am so thankful for my campers for putting me straight. So today go out and proclaim the name of Jesus in this world, and let these new facts of life really sink in.

Enjoy today!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mission Field

Tomorrow i embark on my camp adventure. For years i have been the camper, the one being served, the one learning from my councilor's, the one who was completely out of the loop of the behind scenes of camp and i now get the exciting experience of being the councilor, or "coach" as they call it at T Bar M. I'm overwhelmed with excitement to attempt to share anything that the Lord has shown me through the two decades i have lived through, i am excited to see what the Lord has in store that is beyond what i can attempt to comprehend. 

There is something warm and exciting about a handwritten note, so write me!

Samantha Duffey
2800 County Road 414
Spicewood, Tx 79705

The exciting thing about camp is that i don't have to do anything, i don't need to make these campers like me, i just need to show them me, and what Jesus has done in my life, i get to sell them Jesus, best job in the world. I hope you can see how the Lord is using you this summer, a beautiful thing about The Lord, is that he uses us for his kingdom daily, we don't have to go to the nations, we don't have to be at a summer camp. or an internship, we just have to seek the Lord, and he will provide our mission field. Because today is your mission field, and He has mighty things planned for you in it. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The screen porch

Canyon Lake with Kara, Danielle, & Caroline
This weekend i got to experience multiple of my "happy's," the things that bring me joy and a little happiness...some of these "happy's" included...
  • road tripping
  • being with my Laydays
  • mangos
  • the water and sun
  • screened porches
  • pazookis
  • laughter
The combination of any of these bullets, produces success. I got to spend some sweet time with two of my roommates, and two of my closest friends. There is just something in getting away, seeing new places, finding a change of pace that just enthralls my spirit and beats my heart twice as fast. Probably one of my favorite parts of the weekend was sitting on the screened back porch with my girls, watching the beautiful lake, giggling, and relaxing. We just sat for several hours simply watching the water...its like fire, for some reason it is captivating, you could stare at it for hours and lose yourself in the complete simplicity and complexity of it. And that is what i loved about that back porch, the simplicity, the no agenda, the enjoying the moment of peace and fellowship. I keep wondering why i loved that back porch so much, was it just the coziness of it, the surreal view, the company...and then i realized the importance of the screen. 

The purpose of a screen is to keep the bugs out, the rain from falling, to preserve what is within the parameters of the screen. The screen gives us freedom, freedom to sit outside in a rainstorm and stay completely dry, to relax in peace without the worry of lurking bugs, and to enjoy the atmosphere within the screen that is not worn away from exposure. I love this screen. This screen reminds me of the Holy Spirit, daily giving us freedom, freedom to push the limits despite the conditions, to keep us safe from whatever evil is lurking, preserving the life, joy, and child within us all. I love this screen. This screen daily shows me how to live within the greater plans the Lord has set for me by defying the odds society puts on everything, to seek life in freedom and not fear because i am guarded by a supernatural, superior being, and to be able to count every day and everything joy, because i get to daily see where he is despertely trying to charm me. I love this screen and i will continue to sit within the peace of it. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What's your Babylon?

So, i had all these "things" planned for when i got home, but they somehow got lost. Lost in the piles of boxes and bags, lost in home cooked meals, lost in conversations, lost in the absolute lack of any type of obligations home entails for me. So i am stuck with simply reminiscing on my past year of college, what i learned, what i didn't, what i should have done, what i did do, the journeys the lord took me on, and the ones my friends drove me to and it lead me to Babylon. The Lord taught me something really sweet and showed me certain things he wanted me to finally let go of but it took him taking me all the way to Babylon to do so.

I was blessed to be apart of a really wonderful life group at school, during worship one guy told me he felt the Lord was telling him to tell me to read Jeremiah 50. So to Jeremiah i ran, and where i fell to my knees. Jeremiah 50 is about the Judgement on Babylon.  It is one of the longest prophesy's predicting Babylon's soon to be downfall, the Lord is speaking through Jeremiah on what is to come.

In a very small nutshell, it discusses how Babylon is to be put to shame, how her idols will be put down. The captives of Babylon shall come out and seek their God first, for they have been lost sheep, their shepherds have led them astray to idols, and therefore whoever found them devoured them. He tells these captives to flee from Babylon, for Babylon is going to be invaded and Babylon will fall, it will be an "utter desolation". He says to show her no mercy "Raise a shout against her" and "take vengeance on her; and do as she has done to you. Cut off from Babylon the sower" all things, and people that allow this country to prosper, cut them off, let her not survive. He says, "In those days and in that time, declares the Lord, iniquity shall be sought in Israel, and there shall be none, and sin in Judah, and none shall be found, for i will pardon those whom i leave as a remnant." He is saying, to those captives those tribes of Israel that have been living for idols and in sin against the Lord, that he will forgive and pardon them. He goes into the battle and destruction of Babylon ( Jeremiah is a man of some serious imagery, my 10th grade English teacher would be real proud). He tells those destroying Babylon to "come against her from every quarter; open her granaries; pile her up like heaps of grain and devote her to destruction." Attack her from all sides, do not be shy, do not give her any room to turn or escape from, take all the treasures she has stored and and destroy them. He then goes on telling of Babylon's fall and what it looks like.

So i am reading, this lengthy passage while talking to the Lord on how it possibly has anything to do with me and it hits me so hard it brought me to my knees.  I am a captive of Babylon. But my Babylon isn't a country, it is the false idols i daily live for.

I am like the men and women enslaved in Babylon, i daily live worshipping the wrong idol. i have chosen to praise this false God, seek comfort in it, look for it to fill me, and i have been trapped, unable to run away because i am simply enslaved to it. God was telling me to be "as a male goat before the flock" to step in front of my temptations, my habits, and trial, and take the way out because just how ruin was coming to Babylon, if i did not escape, i would crush under the weight of it, under the ruined city. God was pleading me to stand against satan, give him no mercy, to set myself "array against Babylon all around" to surround it, encircle it, to not let it defeat me anymore and give it no mercy. To do to Babylon as she has done to me and to cut off everything that nurtures this idol so that it is an idol no more. Then God does what he does best and give beautiful mercy saying there will be no iniquity i will not find fault in you, because i love you. he will pardon me as someone left as a reminder of a struggle or an enslavement that has passed. In Jeremiah it says she won't fall easily, satan does not want to be defeated, but just like the demon pleaded with Jesus to not be driven out of the man, Jesus commanded him out and into the swine, so command whatever your Babylon is out.

So that is my question to you, what is your Babylon? Where is Jesus calling you to brokenness? What does he so desperately want you to stop worshipping, stop holding onto, stop controlling you, and give totally to him? Is it forgiveness, is it a temptation, a habit, a past trial, a current battle, whatever the idol, whatever the struggle Jesus is giving you a way out, before it tumbles on top of you. My Babylon may be different from your Babylon, but we all have one, and we all know we need to let go of it. So seek God, ask him for a way out, seek that way, run and never look back.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jeremiah 50

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Veil

2 corinthians 3:18

There is something about putting thoughts into words, dreams onto paper, and joys into something tangible that is incredibly satisfying. However, it deems nearly impossible to ever complete such a task, because confining dreams to sentences and tying joy around words can never give them the justice they truly deserve.

All i know is i love to write, i love attempting to put thoughts to paper, or thoughts to a keyboard... So this is me and my attempt. 
So i'm sitting in conflict, on how i would start this idea of a blog, and while asking the Lord for some serious inspiration, he provided with Paul. 

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same imagine from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:18
We get to seek the lord, and HIS glory with faces unvelied. In the old testament, Moses has to hide the glory of the Lord behind a veil from Isreal; the glory of the Lord shined so brightly it would have scared them.  But in the beauty of the Gospel we can now seek the the glory and truth of God, unveiled, and be transformed into his image because of it. When we place ourselves within the light which shines from the glory of the gospel we become changed into the likeness of the lord, the more we sit in his glory, the more we can shine it back onto him and the world. We are a people of sin, we live in it, so we are daily slaves to habits, to temptations, and the lies of satan, if not careful it is easy to be transformed into the these. But the Lord really has given us a beautiful escape to be seen like him, and all it takes is seeking him. I think the term unveiled is beautiful, a bride is unveiled at her wedding, symbolizing the grooms taking control over the care of his bride. Well, i am trying to pursue the Lord and life the same way, giving the Lord total control of my care, because if anyone can take care of me i believe its is the man who knows every part of me, knows what is coming and what has passed. If i've learned anything it is that nothing bad comes from seeking the Lord, we are a people of unveiled faces, nothing in the way, no hinderance, so seek the Holy Spirit, let his joy and peace overflow by daily seeking his beauty, there is nothing greater to be transformed and reflective for than the most beautiful of faces.

As i embark on this blog endeavor, i pray my writing is written from an unveiled spirit, one that tries to accurately tell of the Lords glory. However, I will not succeed at this, i will daily fail in my attempts to tell of the Spirits movements, my opinions and ideas might not be in accordance with yours, and my humor might not reveal as humor at all, but thats the beauty of life and everything in it, we don't have to perfect, because some else is.