Oh GOD, full of beauty, full of grace
who sent His son to die in my place
took beating, slashes, and wood to his back,
not only mine, but the entire worlds that were stack
with every nail, one of my spots fell off
until all His blood shed was enough
as He breathed His last our doubt was great
and how we can still disbelieve, i do hate
But His love was greater than death
down to the enemys home He took the keys and He left
He opened the gates to our true eternal place
While meeting with His father face to face
But He didn't leave us here alone,
He gave us His spirit, were all His power is shown
filled with His consuming fire and might
it's the means by which we can be called light
accompanied with the sword of His Spirit we go forth every day
winning lives for His kingdom along the way
until the day He comes back or calls us home
we stand tall on the only sturdy stone
we live and wait only for you
because you O God are all we know to be true.